a woman pointing at a person walking on the stair of success

Transform any hotel, resort or holiday home

We undertake hotel management and hospitality management on contractual basis or on partnership basis.

You opened a hotel because you wanted to build a dream hotel. As the years passed, the customers hardly walked in, as you anticipated. Your expenditure and maintenance costs are mounting. The profit is far from its visibility. Yes, your hotel is running at a loss, and you need an expert to guide you to bring it back on track.

Come to "OWN HOLIDAY CLUB" a hospitality company promoted by Rigel Hospitality Services Pvt. Ltd, we can help you out. We can sign a contract with you to manage your hotel, and our 25 years of vast expertise in hotel, resort, and holiday destination management will give your business a boost in sales. The number of guests and footfall will increase! The number of occupants will go up. Your revenue and profit will increase. For the last 25 long years, we have been helping out many hotels and resorts in India to manage professionally, attract more guests, thrive and become profit-making companies.

Why can't you do it too?

Yes, we can help you out!

We have a sound hospitality marketing platform supported by marketing communication experts, technology and a data bank.

When you sign with us, our marketing team will take over the sales and marketing activities and reach out to the most lucrative clients that can book the rooms and check in frequently. We can make them your loyal guests who frequently book rooms. Our team will give the guests a memorable experience to ruminate on. They will book rooms at your hotel repeatedly!

What will you take from our service?

Once you contact us, our management will immediately engage you with the most experienced team of executives to study the present problems. And, they create a report and a blue print as well as a journey chart to put your hotel or resort on a sound sales track to make them more profit-making hotels.

We can transform your hotel or resort!

The culture, the team building, the guest management and even the maintenance will get transformed faster. From cleaning, food, service, and treating the guests as gods, all are part of our transformation journey, besides marketing and being courteous in communication and process.

Providing excellent service from reception to room service; we will continue to improve the culture of your hotel or resort. Courteous staff will treat each guest as special according to the need for special treatment, food, and other services that each host prefers.

Let us partner with your hotel management and marketing team to increase the profit stream.

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  • Reaching Your Target Audience
  • Intricate audience segmentation to maximize conversion volume while minimizing conversion cost.
  • Co-Optimization Analysis
  • Leverage our PPC services to develop synergizes across SEO and PPC campaigns to eliminate cannibalization.
  • Decide with Data
  • Let data guide your marketing strategy. We, as a Google AdWords agency regularly monitor and manage campaigns to deliver optimum results.
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